Friday, January 11, 2013

{A Day in the Life}

Tuesday was probably the most overwhelming day of my college career.  It started at 8am with a three-hour lecture on hemodynamics that I didn't understand.  Then I had a one-hour break that I spent reading for my next class.  Another three-hour lecture was followed by 4 hours of lab.  We practiced IVs on each other and now I have two blown out veins.  I was on campus for 12 solid hours.  My mind was shot... just like my veins.

Monday, December 10, 2012

{Snow, snow, snow}

It snowed today, and I didn't hate it. Sure it was cold and it stuck to my eyelashes, but it was so pretty I almost didn't mind. This is my fourth winter and I'm finally getting used to it...

Today I also discovered that it is helpful to brush the snow and scrape the ice off of your headlights before you start driving.  They don't work very well otherwise. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

{Finals and Mom}

Well folks, finals time is here again. It came way too fast, but Mom made it just a little better! She bought a "finals kit" for me :) It came with a blanket (good thing cause it's supposed to blizzard on Saturday!), snacks, gum, a pen and pencil, chap stick, a water bottle, and a coupon for hot chocolate. This just brightened my day! Thanks, Mama!

PS- I'll be home in 8 days!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


We have skipped right past Thanksgiving and headed straight for Christmas outside, but I figured I should pay tribute to another great holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 26, 2012


I didn't have clinical today (I got to sleep in until 6:54am!), but I did have a simulation this morning. It was only an hour long, so I came home, made myself some pancakes, and watched Dr. Oz while I stuffed my face. Oh the irony. Anyway, he had a woman on the show named Glynis McCants, who is a numerologist. She explained that numerology is the "science of divining information about life through numbers," and it was developed by Pythagorus in ancient Greece.

She taught everyone how to determine your "life path" number.
(And, of course, she threw in the medical stuff for Dr. Oz)

Mine is 4. Here's what she said...
Personality- You like structure in life. (Hello, that's me!)
Leads to- headaches (Every day of my life...)
Solution- Focus on what you can control,  and go outside to enjoy nature's beauty

Holy crap. She pegged me.

Find out what yours is here!

(Side note: I'm a sucker for weird stuff like this... horoscopes, dream interpretations, reflexology, all of it. It may just be coincidence, but somehow it all seems to be true!)

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I never get tired of these.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

{Hot Topics and Tension}

I discovered something today that I'm sure will brighten your day. There are two new facebook pages on the world wide web concerning some hot topics here in P-town... "BYU for Caffeine" and "BYU Against Caffeine." Legit. 

At first I thought it was a joke, but people are having very heated discussions on these fb walls. This is why the world thinks we're so weird. Church officials did just come out and say that caffeine is not against the Word of Wisdom, and that must be was sparked all this hilariousness. Whatever the reason, I'm happy for it. The pictures people have made are pure awesome.